Ash Remediation Management are an independently owned SME specialising in contaminated land, groundwater remediation, waste management and geotechnical ground improvement.
Our team has over 30 years of experience in these sectors and our mission is to provide a well-organised and commercially focused service to facilitate the business goals of our clients.
Using a combination of in-house plant and equipment, Ash Remediation Management provide all of the necessary skills, resources and experience to successfully complete its remediation objectives. Under the auspices and requirements of the company’s Environmental Permit, Ash Remediation Management can address client liabilities and work around their development programme to smoothly and efficiently execute the remediation project.
Ash Remediation Management fully understands the commercial risks and pressures placed on developers who may be purchasing, selling or developing sites that require remediation. The individual experience of our team in both the land remediation and waste management industry provides the foundation of our highly professional service within the UK land remediation sector.
Our key people operate from the West Midlands and Surrey, providing strategic access to the whole of the UK. Please contact our Support Network at our head office who can put you in contact with the right member of our team to discuss your business needs.30

• Bioremediation Using Controlled Biopiles
• Water Treatment Systems
• Groundwater Treatment & Containment Barriers
• In-Situ & Ex-Situ Stabilisation/Solidification
• Geotechnical Ground Improvement
• Product & Tank Removal
• Waste Classification, Offsite Treatment & Disposal
• Remediation Design & Support
• Project Management
• Japanese Knotweed & Other Invasive Weed Treatment
• Marine Sediment Treatment
• Site Investigation Drilling
• Delineation & Targeted Surveys
• Complementing Earthworks & Civils
• Verification Sampling & Testing
• Specialist Tar Removal
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