Ash Remediation Management has extensive experience in the contaminated soil and sediment stabilisation field. Over the years we have successfully completed numerous stabilisation projects treating the hydrocarbons TPH and PAH, cyanide, ammonium and heavy metals (including but not limited to copper, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead).

Our stabilisation treatment methods can be applied in-situ or ex-situ and the treatment methods and technologies offered range from conventional cement / lime stabilisation to modified bentonites and organophillic clays. The combination of these provides capability across the full spectrum of the most common contamination problems.


Implementing in-situ stabilisation uses the soil mixing capabilities of a CFA piling rig or the Allu PMX Power Mixer. Both methods of application involve homogenising the contaminated material with the site specific additive(s) (derived from feasibility trials) via ports located within the drilling head.

In both in-situ installation methods, an auditable level of quality control is achieved through the use of a flow meter which measures the volume of stabilisation additive injected. Additional drilling parameters are measured and recorded via the operators on board instrumentation which generate daily production data that is used in the quality control regime.


When stabilisation treatment is carried out ex-situ material is stockpiled and treated in batches using either a tractor pulled Stehr or an excavator with an Allu bucket attachment. Material is deposited into a bunded area and the stabilisation additive(s) is introduced before the chosen plant combines them to form a homogenous mass. The benefit of using the Stehr is that large volumes of material can be processed each day but the drawback is that a larger working area is required.

To compliment the specialist stabilisation / solidification remediation works, Ash Remediation Management offer a full capability of general earthworks. Services include safe and controlled excavations as well as segregation and screening of materials to maximise reuse of site won material.