The former gasworks is located in Shropshire and it was purchased by a midlands based house builder. The site was polluted with typical gasworks contaminants (namely polycycic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), lead and cyanide) and in order to comply with planning regulations a detailed remediation programme was undertaken.
Ash Remediation Management provided a full remediation scheme including chemical stabilisation/solidification, bioremediation and the removal of contaminated waters. This case study discusses the ex-situ bioremdiation aspect of the project.
Material undergoing ex-situ bioremediation was conditioned with agricultural fertilisers and compost. In order to control internal biopile conditions as well as environmental releases, a closed aeration system was utilised. Coupled to this was regular interpretive monitoring, used to optimise the efficiency of the biopile. A total of 1400m3 of material underwent a 15 week treatment programme and the bioremediated soils were used as subsoil in the residential and landscaped garden areas.
All phases of the project were achieved within budget and the bioremediation work was concluded 8 weeks inside the project deadline.