Tank Decommissioning – South London

A builder of luxury homes acquired a former garage and fuel station site in South London. The site had 4 large foam filled tanks as well as an additional 11 tanks that were used for the storage of petrol, diesel and heating oil. All of these underground tanks and their associated infrastructure required cleaning, decommissioning and disposal.

Ash Remediation Management excavated and processed the foam filled tanks and cleaned, degassed and disposed of the remainder. The site was also probed and remnant structures were removed to facilitate the construction phase. The works were supervised by Ash Remediations’ WAMITAB certified staff and all local restrictions were adhered to without complaint from local residents or regulators.


London Tank Decommission and Recycling

A former car mechanics yard was undergoing demolition to make way for a residential development. During the early stages of the demolition it was discovered that two underground storage tanks were present.

Ash Remediation Management were contacted who quickly and proficiently provided the means and expertise to degas, decommission and recycle the tanks.

The site, located in Central London posed a number of accessibility issues but Ash Remediation Management overcame these using their experience and carefully planning.

The tank decommissioning project was successfully completed with the efficient turnaround from project enquiry to completion minimising the delays to the remainder of the development project.

Middlesex Secondary School

Redundant Heating Oil Tank Decommissioning and Removal

As part of an extensive refurbishment project, a redundant heating oil tank required decommissioning and removal. The tank was located in an underground basement making its removal slightly more complicated and as the work had to be completed within the school holidays there was a very tight time constraint.

Ash Remediation Management ‘pulled out all the stops’ to provided a fast and efficient turnaround. The tank was cut up in-situ (post decommissioning) and all contractual and regulatory paperwork was completed and filed within 24 hours.


Tank Deccommissioning Ealing

The site located in Ealing was previously utilised as a truck MOT and servicing unit and the redevelopment objective was to construct a fire fighting training facility. Site investigation identified contamination as a potential risk to human health, development infrastructure and controlled waters therefore remediation work formed part of the planning conditions.

Ash Remediation Management were involved with the site from an early stage which allowed us to advise our client on numerous issues which ultimately expedited the site development programme. The scope of our involvement entailed remediation and earthworks and a summary of our package is detailed below:

  • Clean, degas and remove the two underground fuel tanks, associated pipe work and interceptors
  • Delineate the soils surrounding the historical on site fuel storage apparatus and determine the extent of any potentially contaminated soils
  • Excavate material that exceeds the re-use acceptability criteria and send for off-site remediation/regeneration
  • Excavate and break out the existing hard standings/concrete slab and any underlying hard materials. Process the product of the breakout to 6F2 classification
  • Validate through chemical testing the excavations previously containing the fuel storage apparatus
  • Carry out six rounds of groundwater monitoring

Ash Remediation Management completed their work programme ahead of schedule and all paperwork and regulatory documents were submitted under the cover of a project report. This allowed release of the remediation based planning conditions and successful continuation of the development.



Tank Decommissioning Addlestone

Client – Independent Developer

Principal Contractor – Ash Remediation Management

Consulting Engineer – Geo Environmetal Group

Location – Addlestone

Contract Value – £50K

The former petrol filing station and motor repair garage is located in Addlestone, Surrey and a London Based property company purchased the site to enable its redevelopment into a small retail centre. However, owing to the sites previous use and its close proximity to a sensitive watercourse, remedial attention formed part of the planning conditions.

Ash Remediation Management were involved at the inception of the project and their initial responsibility was to take the lead role in the site investigation work.   On completing the exploratory work as well as attaining regulator approval of their remediation strategy, Ash Remediation Management were awarded the contract to carry out the remedial phase of the project.

The scope of the remediation work is summarised as follows:

  1. Removal of the underground storage tank (UST) and associated grossly contaminated soils
  2. Formation of a cut off/interception trench and disposal of any grossly impacted soils
  3. Abstraction of free product and contaminated groundwater from the UST and trench excavations
  4. Further, periodic disposal of any free product and groundwater that accumulated in the UST or trench excavations

All materials removed from site were disposed of at appropriately licenced waste treatment facilities. The capabilities of these sites allowed treatment and regeneration of the material, an important factor in Ash Remediation Managements commitment to sustainability. Moreover, this ‘green’ route of disposal minimised our clients costs as tax expensive landfilling was avoided.

To supplement and verify the above, Ash Remediation Management designed a monitoring scheme. The regulator approved document involved the installation and sampling of a series of groundwater monitoring wells as well as the sampling of an adjacent watercourse.

On conclusion of the monitoring program Ash Remediation Management produced a report of the remedial work. This was submitted and agreed by the regulator allowing the release of the associated planning conditions.