Client – Independent Developer
Principal Contractor – Ash Remediation Management
Consulting Engineer – Geo Environmetal Group
Location – Addlestone
Contract Value – £50K
The former petrol filing station and motor repair garage is located in Addlestone, Surrey and a London Based property company purchased the site to enable its redevelopment into a small retail centre. However, owing to the sites previous use and its close proximity to a sensitive watercourse, remedial attention formed part of the planning conditions.
Ash Remediation Management were involved at the inception of the project and their initial responsibility was to take the lead role in the site investigation work. On completing the exploratory work as well as attaining regulator approval of their remediation strategy, Ash Remediation Management were awarded the contract to carry out the remedial phase of the project.
The scope of the remediation work is summarised as follows:
- Removal of the underground storage tank (UST) and associated grossly contaminated soils
- Formation of a cut off/interception trench and disposal of any grossly impacted soils
- Abstraction of free product and contaminated groundwater from the UST and trench excavations
- Further, periodic disposal of any free product and groundwater that accumulated in the UST or trench excavations
All materials removed from site were disposed of at appropriately licenced waste treatment facilities. The capabilities of these sites allowed treatment and regeneration of the material, an important factor in Ash Remediation Managements commitment to sustainability. Moreover, this ‘green’ route of disposal minimised our clients costs as tax expensive landfilling was avoided.
To supplement and verify the above, Ash Remediation Management designed a monitoring scheme. The regulator approved document involved the installation and sampling of a series of groundwater monitoring wells as well as the sampling of an adjacent watercourse.
On conclusion of the monitoring program Ash Remediation Management produced a report of the remedial work. This was submitted and agreed by the regulator allowing the release of the associated planning conditions.